Description: Build ExifTool Geolocation database. Syntax: build_geolocation [OPTIONS] [DBFILE] ... Options: DBFILE - Input database file name or directory. Multiple input database files may be specified. The -p, -c and -cp options apply to the database that comes after them on the command line. The other input files are assumed to be in the same directory as the first database file. Default is "allCountries.txt". -p POP - Minimum population for cities to include. POP may be a number or be of the form "CC[,C2...]=###" to set different limits for specific countries/regions, where CC and C2 are country codes with optional region name or code appended after a period (eg. "CA.Ontario,US=500" sets the minimum population to 500 for cities on Ontario Canada or the U.S.). If a region is specified, either the full name or the geonames admin1 code may be used, and case and spaces are not significant. May be multiple -p options for each input DBFILE. Default is "2000". -c CODE - Feature codes to always include, regardless of population. CODE is a comma-separated list of feature codes, with an optional leading comma-separated list of country/region codes followed by an equals sign to apply only to specific countries. The feature-code list may begin with a dash to remove entries from the default list, or a plus sign to add entries. May be multiple -c options for each intput DBFILE. Country/region and feature names are case insensitive. Default is "PPLA,PPLA2". -cp CODE - Additional features to include if above minimum population. Default is "PPL,PPLA,PPLA2,PPLA3,PPLA4,PPLA5,PPLC,PPLCH,PPLF, PPLG,PPLH,PPLL,PPLQ,PPLR,PPLS,PPLW,PPLX,STLMT". -l LANG - Alternate languages to read from alternateNamesV2.txt if available. These are used to generate AltNames.dat an the GeoLang files. LANG is a comma-separated list of language codes, starting with a dash to remove items from the default list. May be set to an empty string to disable generation of alternate language files even if alternateNamesV2.txt exists. The same set of languages applies to all input database files. Default is "cs,de,en,en-ca,en-gb,es,fi,fr,it, ja,ko,nl,pl,ru,sk,sv,tr,zh,zh-cn,zh-tw". -o OUTDIR - Output directory name. Default is the same directory as the first input database file. A directory named Geolocation_out containing the output files will be created in this directory. -ver VER - Version for output geolocation database (default is 1.03). -v - Verbose messages. -h - Show this help. Input files (download from allCountries.txt - default database file (smaller files with names like "cities###.txt" may be specified instead) countryInfo.txt - mandatory country names file admin1CodesASCII.txt - mandatory region names file admin2Codes.txt - mandatory subregion names file featureCodes_en.txt - optional feature codes file(s) alternateNamesV2.txt - optional alternate names file (must exist to to generate AltNames.dat and GeoLang files) Output files: Geolocation_out - default output directory name Geolocation.dat - ExifTool database file AltNames.dat - alternate names file GeoLang - directory for alternate language files Author: Copyright 2024, Phil Harvey This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.