DPX Tags

Tags extracted from DPX (Digital Picture Exchange) images.

Index1Tag Name WritableValues / Notes
0 ByteOrder no 'SDPX' = Big-endian
'XPDS' = Little-endian
8 HeaderVersion no  
16 DPXFileSize no  
20 DittoKey no 0 = Same
1 = New
36 ImageFileName no  
136 CreateDate no  
160 Creator no  
260 Project no  
460 Copyright no  
660 EncryptionKey no  
768 Orientation no
0 = Horizontal (normal)
1 = Mirror vertical
2 = Mirror horizontal
3 = Rotate 180
4 = Mirror horizontal and rotate 270 CW
5 = Rotate 90 CW
6 = Rotate 270 CW
7 = Mirror horizontal and rotate 90 CW
770 ImageElements no  
772 ImageWidth no  
776 ImageHeight no  
780 DataSign no 0 = Unsigned
1 = Signed
800 ComponentsConfiguration no
0 = User-defined single component
1 = Red (R)
2 = Green (G)
3 = Blue (B)
4 = Alpha (matte)
6 = Luminance (Y)
7 = Chrominance (Cb, Cr, subsampled by two)
8 = Depth (Z)
9 = Composite video
50 = R, G, B
51 = R, G, B, Alpha
52 = Alpha, B, G, R
100 = Cb, Y, Cr, Y (4:2:2)
101 = Cb, Y, A, Cr, Y, A (4:2:2:4)
102 = Cb, Y, Cr (4:4:4)
103 = Cb, Y, Cr, A (4:4:4:4)
150 = User-defined 2 component element
151 = User-defined 3 component element
152 = User-defined 4 component element
153 = User-defined 5 component element
154 = User-defined 6 component element
155 = User-defined 7 component element
156 = User-defined 8 component element
801 TransferCharacteristic no
0 = User-defined
1 = Printing density
2 = Linear
3 = Logarithmic
4 = Unspecified video
5 = SMPTE 274M
6 = ITU-R 709-4
7 = ITU-R 601-5 system B or G (625)
8 = ITU-R 601-5 system M (525)
9 = Composite video (NTSC)
10 = Composite video (PAL)
11 = Z (depth) - linear
12 = Z (depth) - homogeneous
14 = ITU-R 2020 NCL
15 = ITU-R 2020 CL
16 = IEC 61966-2-4 xvYCC
17 = ITU-R 2100 NCL/PQ
18 = ITU-R 2100 ICtCp/PQ
19 = ITU-R 2100 NCL/HLG
20 = ITU-R 2100 ICtCp/HLG
21 = RP 431-2:2011 Gama 2.6
22 = IEC 61966-2-1 sRGB
802 ColorimetricSpecification no
0 = User-defined
1 = Printing density
4 = Unspecified video
5 = SMPTE 274M
6 = ITU-R 709-4
7 = ITU-R 601-5 system B or G (625)
8 = ITU-R 601-5 system M (525)
9 = Composite video (NTSC)
10 = Composite video (PAL)
14 = ITU-R 2020
15 = P3D65
16 = P3DCI
17 = P3D60
18 = ACES
803 BitDepth no  
820 ImageDescription no  
892 Image2Description no  
964 Image3Description no  
1036 Image4Description no  
1108 Image5Description no  
1180 Image6Description no  
1252 Image7Description no  
1324 Image8Description no  
1432 SourceFileName no  
1532 SourceCreateDate no  
1556 InputDeviceName no  
1588 InputDeviceSerialNumber no  
1628 AspectRatio no  
1724 OriginalFrameRate no  
1728 ShutterAngle no  
1732 FrameID no  
1764 SlateInformation no  
1920 TimeCode no  
1940 FrameRate no  
1972 Reserved5? no  
2048 UserID no  

(This document generated automatically by Image::ExifTool::BuildTagLookup)
Last revised May 21, 2024

<-- ExifTool Tag Names